Mar 21, 2021 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates
We’re so fortunate that many of our clients keep us up to date on the puppies we raise for them. Hank is 7, just had a birthday last week. He is the son of Mikko and Moses. As you can
see, he lives with his best friend, Hunter. (Hunter is from a litter prior to Hank) They live in Washington state. 
Mar 21, 2021 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates
Bode lives in California, and loves to run and play at the beach. He is the son of our Mikko and my friends boy Moses.
Mar 14, 2021 | Puppy Progress
Happy Birthday to Sadie, Henry, Rylee, Quincy, Bear, Maisy, Hank, and Bode! Mikko and Moses had a wonderful litter together and we’re hoping to get a few current photos to post.
Mar 14, 2021 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates

Oona and Cali are sisters from our last litter and they are 4 months old now. Both of them live in Minnesota and they enjoy the snow and being active with their families.
Feb 20, 2021 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates
Finn is a beautiful boy from our Mikko and my friend Jennifer’s boy Ace. He’s five now, and lives in Maryland. His lovely owner Gabi sends us a wonderful calendar every year with special photos of him and his family.