Jul 25, 2020 | Hunting Labradors, Puppy Progress, Puppy updates

Hunter and Hank from Baxter Lake Labradors

Nora at the lake in Wisconsin

AvaLee celebrating her birthday
July 6th was the 8 year birthday of our Mikko and Moses litter. We have heard back from 3 of the 5 birthday greeting that we sent. Hunter lives in Washington state with his famliy and his brother from another litter of ours, Hank. AvaLee lives in California. Nora lives in Wisconsin and enjoys spending a lot of time at the lake!
May 3, 2020 | Hunting Labradors, Puppy Progress, Puppy updates, Retrieving
Guinness is hanging around the house these days, during the “stay at home” order in PA. I’m sure his owners will have him out on the road as soon as they are able. What a handsome boy he is!

Apr 17, 2020 | Hunting Labradors, Puppy Progress
Stella will be a great family companion. And with her intelligence and terrific retrieving ability, she’ll also make a great hunting companion.

Nov 2, 2019 | Hunting Labradors, Puppy Progress, Puppy updates
Guinness is a beautiful boy that has a great life. His owners take him everywhere. He is now showing off his skills as a hunting dog too!