Mar 25, 2023 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates

Liberty (pink) lives in Washington state. She’s very smart and active. Besides her human family, she has many canine companions to play with where she lives. Her human parents are breeder friends of ours, so Liberty will be a mama herself in a couple years. She’ll have beautiful puppies!
Mar 25, 2023 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates, Retrieving

Kona (blue) lives in Ohio with his family. He’s very handsome, fit and trim. (Of course, we think all of our boys are handsome and all of our girls are pretty). He always likes to be part of the action and gets tons of attention. He is an active boy and is very social with people and other dogs.
Mar 25, 2023 | Hunting Labradors, Puppy Progress, Puppy updates

Cooper (purple) is a sweet boy, lives in Minnesota. He loves the snow, his dad reports that he likes to catch snowflakes and raindrops in his mouth, so cute. He loves to cuddle with his family, enjoys playing fetch, and just got a new playmate in the form of a kitty!
Mar 25, 2023 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates

Charlene AKA Chilly lives in Minnesota, as you can tell by the snow! She loves to play and run in the snow. Her mom describes her as a “spitfire” and very smart. She enjoys socializing with the other dogs at her daycare, and they all love her too.
Mar 5, 2023 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates, Retrieving
Bo and Bentley are a handsome pair of brothers from Maddie and Bubba’s litter 3/21/2022. Bentley looks like Maddie and Bo looks like Bubba, very sweet! They have an adoring family that spoils them with lots of love, toys, and a great lake place to enjoy in the Summer. They also just added a little adopted playmate for the boys, Mia. This canine family lives in Canada.

Mar 5, 2023 | Puppy Progress, Puppy updates
Archie is a handsome Pearl and Joe boy. He lives in Illinois, loves to be close to his family and he will be getting a canine companion from our 2024 litter.