We are so proud to wish this beautiful litter a Happy 4th birthday! This was Pearl’s last litter before she retired to the spoiled “couch potato” life with 2 of her daughters, Maddie and Rosie. Thank you to the puppy owners that sent photos, we love to see how beautifully they grow and thrive. We have pictured, our Maddie, Mimi, Stella O., Finley C., Barkley, Winston, and Teemo. We had 2 Finley’s and 2 Stella’s in this litter, however, did not get a current photo from everyone. Most of the littermates reside in Minnesota. Finley C. lives in Illinois with his brother from another litter, Bear. And Barkley lives in New York state. Thanks again for the updates, these photos show people how nice our dogs are.