A Cali Christmas
Cali had a great Christmas. She lives in Minnesota with her owners, Kelly and Tony and she is the light of their lives!
Cali had a great Christmas. She lives in Minnesota with her owners, Kelly and Tony and she is the light of their lives!
We love to get photos of our puppies and Christmas photos are wonderful. These photos are Finley. He’s 2 years old, a Pearl and Joe puppy.
Murphy is a Rose x Willie puppy, he and his littermates just turned 1 year old!
Raina and Harper were born 10-30-2009. We are happy to get updates and see how well they are doing. Raina has a loving family that takes her to the lakes and gives her a special birthday ice cream cone on her birthday too! Harper is also doing well and still enjoys hunting pheasant with her owner. She is pictured on the left with her hunting companions, Sadie & Bubba.
Oashe is 4 months old and how lucky for him that he gets to go to the lake all Summer!