Brothers Oashe & Apollo
Apollo and Oashe are brothers from Rosie’s litter, they are 4 months old now. Oashe was the blue collar and Apollo had red. Both of them reside in Minnesota.
Apollo and Oashe are brothers from Rosie’s litter, they are 4 months old now. Oashe was the blue collar and Apollo had red. Both of them reside in Minnesota.
Such a good looking boy! He is the son of our Pearl and Bubba and he lives in Texas. He looks a lot like his papa, who is still going strong at almost 14 years old.
Such a beautiful litter, and now they are in their forever homes. We have a few updates already. Apollo is such a smart boy, he’s already watching TV. His favorite so far is Animal Planet. Aspen has her own very plush bed and a new buddy Emma. She also has 2 other canine pals that visit often. Dolly has mentor and companion in her new home and her name is Cash.
Guinness is such a handsome boy, we’re so proud of him!
Kerry’s Madison lives in Massachusetts. She is another daughter to Mikko x Ace. Another beautiful girl!