Happy 2nd Birthday Winston
Winston was the gray collar boy. He lives in Inver Grove Heights, MN with his family that adores him.
Winston was the gray collar boy. He lives in Inver Grove Heights, MN with his family that adores him.
Stella O. was the pink collar girl, biggest of the girls. She lives in MN with her family and sadly lost her canine companion a month ago. However, her owners are spoiling her and she is doing well being the solo dog in the house.
Archie lives in Riverwoods,Illinois. He turned 2 this week on April 6th, and he was the red collar boy. We were fortunate to get several updated photos of his littermates! This was a Pearl and Joe litter.
Jubi is from our litter October of 2020, Rose and Willie. He lives in the Country on several acres and gets lots of exercise and love from George and Glady!
Sophia and her dad Jim drove up from Illinois to get this puppy when she was in the 5th grade, 7 years ago. Sophia has sent updates anytime we requested and I know Maisy has been very close to her and the family, they love her very much!